Golf Ball Pre-Wash & Sorter
Bundle this with your Hollrock Commercial Washer for the most efficient washing process!
The Hollrock Golf Ball Pre-Wash & Sorter streamlines the washing process. This machine is designed to work with the 28K, 38K & 56K Hollrock Golf Ball Washers.
Golf balls are first poured onto the sorting grate, allowing the majority of grass & mud to fall through. Golf Balls roll into the pre-soak where the powerful water pump creates a swift swirling agitation. The balls are then shot up to the sorting rails. These stainless sorting rails prevent any severely broken golf balls, debris and rocks from entering the golf ball washer. The intact golf balls roll down the track and are fed directly into the Golf Ball Washer.
The Golf Ball Pre-Wash & Sorter continuously feeds golf balls into the washer, eliminating the need for an attendant. You can unload a full 15ft picker into the Pre-soak tank and let the machine do the rest of the work.