Rugged & Convenient
Dumper Hopper Golf Ball Picker
“DQP” Series
We pride ourselves in the quality and longevity of our pickers. They are built for rugged conditions and will provide many years of reliable service.
Patent No. 5,332,350
Dumper Hopper Picker
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This patented range ball picker is the beginning of Hollrock’s world leading and exclusive full automation process. With Dumper Hoppers, it is no longer necessary to empty picker baskets by hand. Designed to operate by driving over the grated area and by simply rotating the handle to the dump position, all the baskets empty their entire contents. The picker operator then immediately returns to picking.

What our customers are saying
“Just a note to thank you for the design and workmanship of a high-quality ball picker. We have used it for over 20 years and no parts or repairs were needed. It even withstood a mishap when an employee hit a hole and the tractor landed on top. The only repair needed was straightening two of the baskets. Again, a very well constructed, well designed ball picker with 20+ years of service and no repairs.”